
Breakdown on the workbench marker, config options and so on.

This marker class allows you to craft items to be used throughout the script.



Set to false to completely disable the boss marker. Admins in-game will not be able to create this marker.


  • title: title in ox_lib context menu

  • keybind: to open menu, default 38 (E)

  • dist: distance for keybind to work

  • drawDist: distance for marker to draw or being visible

  • textUi: string to display in the ox_lib textUi pop-up

  • icon: font-awesome icon to display in the textUi

  • style: configure the style of the textUi


Configure the blip settings of the duty marker.

In the marker creation or mangement you can choose to enable or disable the blip.

  • sprite: set the default blip sprite, see blip sprite ids here

  • display: set the default blip behavior, see blip behaviours here

  • scale: set the default size of the blip on the map.

  • color: set the default blip color, see blip color ids here


Set to false to use your own crafting function/export. Find the function: OpenWorkBenchMenu in t1ger_tuningsystem/client/main.lua and scroll down to the bottom of the function and add your function/export below the comment: "add function/export to open your own crafting".


Navigate to this config option to enable/disable, set duration for animation, change the animation, edit the progress bar text/label and configure the skillcheck.

In Config.Workbench.Categories you can add/edit categories and for each category, you can add craftable items and set the required materials.

Make sure that the itemId for each item you add matches the itemId in Config.Items in the top of the config file.

Last updated