
Guide and instructions on how to setup prices for mods


Controls how much mod variant prices increase for each mod variant displayed in the menu. The higher the variant, the more it cost.Setting it to 0 means no price increase and all mod variants cost the same.

Config.PriceEscalationPercent = 5
-- Type: Integer
-- Range: 0 - 100


  • 0: No escalation; all mod variants have the same price defined in Config.Mods.

  • 1 - 100: Prices increase by the specified percentage for each higher mod variant, calculated on the price of the previous variant. For example, setting this to 5means each higher mod variant will cost 5% more than the previous one.


Determines whether to include the cost of acquiring parts in the final price of the mod.

Config.PartAcquisitionCost = true
-- Type: Boolean
-- Values: true, false


  • true: Adds the item price from Config.Items['mods'] to the mod price, covering the acquisition cost of parts.

  • false: Does not add acquisition costs to the mod price.


Specifies the fallback vehicle price used when the script cannot retrieve the vehicle value from a database or shared Lua file.

Config.DefaultVehiclePrice = 50000
-- Type: Integer


  • 50000: Sets the default vehicle price to $50,000 if the vehicle value cannot be retrieved from a database or shared file. Adjust this value to suit your pricing needs.


Enables or disables tier-based multipliers for mod pricing. If enabled, it uses Config.PriceTiers to apply different multipliers based on the vehicle price.

Config.TieredPricing = true
-- Type: Boolean
-- Values: true, false


  • true: Enables tier-based multipliers for mod pricing.

  • false: Disables tier-based multipliers for mod pricing.


Defines the tiers for adjusting mod prices based on the vehicle price. Each tier specifies an upper limit and a corresponding multiplier. Config.TieredPricing must be enabled!

Config.PriceTiers = {
    { upperLimit = 10000, multiplier = 0.05 },  -- Tier 1: Integer upperLimit ($10,000), Float multiplier (5%)
    { upperLimit = 50000, multiplier = 0.03 },  -- Tier 2: Integer upperLimit ($50,000), Float multiplier (3%)
    { upperLimit = 100000, multiplier = 0.02 }, -- Tier 3: Integer upperLimit ($100,000), Float multiplier (2%)
    { upperLimit = 500000, multiplier = 0.01 }, -- Tier 4: Integer upperLimit ($500,000), Float multiplier (1%)
    { upperLimit = math.huge, multiplier = 0.005 } -- Tier 5: Integer upperLimit (Infinity), Float multiplier (0.5%)
-- Type: Table


  • upperLimit: (integer) The maximum vehicle price for the tier. Use math.huge for the last option.

  • multiplier: (float) The percentage applied to mod prices within the tier.

You can add or edit tiers as needed. Ensure that math.huge is used as the upperLimit for the highest tier to cover all values above the defined limits.


Last updated