T1GER Tuning System

Documentation, troubleshooting and support for T1GER Tuning System resource

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Chat Commands

Please note, all these command strings are configurable and can be disabled as well.



Open the admin mechanic menu.


Open the player mechanic menu.


These are available exports in the resource - use them as you please and find necessary.


These are optional events that you may need to use from other resources to add compatibility.


Common Issues

Before we proceed, please ensure the following:

  1. Resource folder of the package is named: t1ger_tuningsystem.

  2. You have not touched nor edited files inside t1ger_tuningsystem/escrow/.

  3. You have not made any custom changes.

  4. You have followed Installation correctly and every steps.

QB Inventory Inventory not opening with qb-inventory

✔️ Download latest qb-inventory. If you don't want to update, then navigate to t1ger_lib/framework.lua and find the OpenStash function. In here you want to comment out the triggerserverevent for the qb inventory and enable the commented out code.

No such export GetSharedAccount in ESX Addon Account You are getting an error with no such export GetSharedAccount in resource esx_addonaccount

✔️ All you need to do is update your esx_addonaccount to the latest: https://github.com/esx-framework/esx_addonaccount

Error Codes

If you getting an error code in your server- or client-console, then please find the error-code from below and fix your issue with the provided instructions.

Last updated