
Instructions & guide on configuration t1ger_lib


Config.Debug = true -- Enable or disable debug prints
  • Type: boolean

  • Description: Enables or disables debug prints.

  • Usage: Set to true to enable debug prints. Set to false to disable them.


-- Framework Triggers:
Config.Triggers = { -- Triggers to update if you've changed them or if your anticheat requires it:
	['ESX'] = { -- update your triggers/event-names here if changed:
		resource = 'es_extended', -- esx resource name
		obj = 'esx:getSharedObject',
		load = 'esx:playerLoaded',
		job = 'esx:setJob'
	['QB'] = { -- update your triggers/event-names here if changed:
		resource = 'qb-core', -- qb-core resource name
		obj = 'QBCore:GetObject',
		load = 'QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded',
		job = 'QBCore:Client:OnJobUpdate',
		uObjCL = 'QBCore:Client:UpdateObject',
		uObjSV = 'QBCore:Server:UpdateObject',
		dutyToggle = 'QBCore:ToggleDuty',
} -- Do not delete anything from here!!!

Do not deleting anything from these options. Only change the trigger names if you are instructed so by your anticheat or if you have some kind of custom triggers.


Config.PoliceJobs = {['police'], ['lspd']} -- Whitelisted police jobs

Defines the whitelisted police jobs used to fetch the online police count. Customize this list to match the job names used in your framework.

  • Type: table

  • Default: {['police'], ['lspd']}

  • Description: Specifies the police jobs that are whitelisted for counting online police.

  • Usage: Add or remove job names based on your framework's job definitions for police roles.


Config.PoliceNotification = 'default' -- Set the police notification method

Sets the method of police notifications for alerts.

  • Type: string

  • Default: 'default'

  • Options:

    • 'default' - Built-in police alerts.

    • 'cd_' - Use Codesign alerts.

    • 'custom' - Use a custom notification system (requires implementation in TriggerPoliceNotification function in t1ger_lib/utils.lua).


Config.AcePermissions = {'command'} -- Ace permissions for admin access

Specifies the Ace permissions used to check if a player has admin access or specific permissions.

  • Type: table

  • Default: {'command'}

  • Description: Contains Ace permissions to provide admin access to commands. Modify to include additional permissions as required.

  • Usage: Add permissions that should be checked for admin access or other command permissions.


Config.UseFrameworkNotification = false -- Use framework notifications or custom

Determines whether to use the default framework (ESX/QB) notifications or a custom notification system.

  • Type: boolean

  • Default: false

  • Description: Set to true to use the default ESX/QB notifications. Set to false to use a custom notification system defined in Lib.Notification.


Config.VehicleKeys = 'default' -- Set the vehicle keys handling method

Specifies the method for handling vehicle keys.

  • Type: string

  • Default: 'default'

  • Options:

    • 'default' - Uses native checks for locked/unlocked status.

    • 't1ger-keys' - Uses t1ger_keys exports.

    • 'custom' - Uses a custom vehicle keys system.


Config.VehiclePrice = 'database' -- Set the method for vehicle price retrieval

Defines the method for retrieving vehicle prices.

  • Type: string

  • Default: 'database'

  • Options:

    • 'database' - Vehicle prices are stored in a database table.

    • 'lua' - Vehicle prices are stored in a Lua file, such as qb/shared/vehicles.lua.

    • 'handling' - Vehicle prices are stored in the vehicle's handling.meta file.

  • Usage: Depending on your selection, you may need to update server/framework.lua and the CreateCoreVehicles function to align with your data storage method.


Config.VehicleMeta = {Props = { ['mileage'] = true, ['service'] = true, ['health'] = true }} -- Vehicle metadata properties

Defines vehicle metadata properties. This configuration should generally not be modified.

  • Type: table

  • Default: {Props = { ['mileage'] = true, ['service'] = true, ['health'] = true }}

  • Description: Contains metadata properties for vehicles, such as mileage, service status, and health.

  • Usage: Typically, this configuration should remain unchanged as it specifies essential vehicle properties.

Last updated