Common Issues

In this section, you'll find a list of frequently encountered issues, along with detailed solutions and troubleshooting steps.


Before we proceed, please ensure the following:

  1. You have followed Installation correctly and every steps.

  2. You have not touched nor edited files, except for shared/ files.

  3. You have not made any custom changes.

Failed to insert job

If you are getting this message in the console, like this:

  1. go to es_extended/server/modules/createJob.lua

  2. find the function called ESX.CreateJob

  3. replace the function with this code:

--- Create Job at Runtime
--- @param name string
--- @param label string
--- @param grades table
function ESX.CreateJob(name, label, grades)
    if not name then
        return print('[^3WARNING^7] missing argument `name(string)` while creating a job')

    if not label then
        return print('[^3WARNING^7] missing argument `label(string)` while creating a job')

    if not grades or not next(grades) then
        return print('[^3WARNING^7] missing argument `grades(table)` while creating a job!')

    local parameters = {}
    local job = { name = name, label = label, grades = {} }

    for _, v in pairs(grades) do
        job.grades[tostring(v.grade)] = { job_name = name, grade = v.grade, name =, label = v.label, salary = v.salary, skin_male = v.skin_male or '{}', skin_female = v.skin_female or '{}' }
        parameters[#parameters + 1] = { name, v.grade,, v.label, v.salary, v.skin_male or '{}', v.skin_female or '{}'}

    MySQL.insert('INSERT IGNORE INTO jobs (name, label) VALUES (?, ?)', { name, label })
    MySQL.prepare('INSERT INTO job_grades (job_name, grade, name, label, salary, skin_male, skin_female) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', parameters)

    ESX.Jobs[name] = job


QB Inventory Inventory not opening with qb-inventory

✔️ Download latest qb-inventory. If you don't want to update, then navigate to t1ger_lib/framework.lua and find the OpenStash function. In here you want to comment out the triggerserverevent for the qb inventory and enable the commented out code.

No such export GetSharedAccount in ESX Addon Account You are getting an error with no such export GetSharedAccount in resource esx_addonaccount

✔️ All you need to do is update your esx_addonaccount to the latest:

Last updated